About me

Economist from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) in Santa Fe, Argentina. Currently, doing a Master at Universidad de San Andres (UdeSA).

I completed my undergraduate studies with an applied study on the agro-industrial sector in Argentina, its exports and its comparative advantages in trade with the European Union between 2004 and 2019.

From 2019 to 2022 I’ve been working at the Center for Studies of the Santa Fe’s Chamber of Commerce (BCSF), where I carried out macro and microeconomic analysis with a focus on the economic activity of the province.

Since 2023 I have been working as a pre-doctoral assistant for the University of San Andrés and consult for international organisations such as the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank.

Since 2024 I have been teaching an introductory economics course at the University of San Andrés. You can check it out here!

My research interests are in development economics, international economics and economic history. I’m also interested in the application of machine learning and large language models to economics.

For more info

For more info about me you can contact directly to friottinidepetris@udesa.edu.ar. Information about configuring academicpages can be found in the guide. The guides for the Minimal Mistakes theme (which this theme was forked from) might also be helpful.