
I have a Master’s degree in Economics from the Universidad de San Andrés (UdeSA) and a pre-doctoral assistant at the same institution. My primary research interests lie in international economics, applied econometrics, and economic development, with a focus on the application of machine learning techniques to economic analysis. You can find my Master’s thesis here.

Currently, I am working as a consultant for international organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank. Previously, I was an Economic Analyst at the Center for Studies of the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce (BCSF), where I conducted macro and microeconomic analyses focusing on regional economic activity.

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), where I completed a thesis on the Argentine agro-industrial sector, its exports, and comparative advantages in trade with the European Union.

Since 2024, I have been teaching an introductory economics course, which you can explore here.

For more info

For more info about me, you can contact me directly at